Descendant of Howell Cobb

June 20, 2020

WASHINGTON — The great-great-great-granddaughter of Howell Cobb, one of the Founders of the Confederacy, is on a mission to remove insignias of the Confederacy from the United States — starting with her own family’s part in the country's dark past.

Denise Rucker Krepp says progress was made when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Thursday ordered the removal of the portraits of four Confederate Speakers, including Cobb.

“My grandfather led the Confederate Congress. His brother wrote the Articles of Secession. My family created the Confederacy,” Krepp told NBC News. “I want the Confederate flag banned from government property, I want bases named after cousins changed, and I wanted Cobb’s portrait removed. Achieved my first goal today.”

Krepp, a former service member in the Coast Guard, wrote Pelosi a letter on Wednesday urging the portrait of her grandfather be removed. “Allowing Cobb’s portrait to hang in the U.S. Capitol implies that Congress endorses my grandfather’s hatred and bigotry. Please don’t do that,” Krepp wrote.

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